Implementing a “Green Initiative” can assist in achieving environmental requirements of local governments
Utilizing new “Green” technology can be translated into good PR for customers utilizing ECO-H
Peak Demand Management
Generator Load Leveling
Backup Power (UPS)
Peak Shaving
- Portability
Island Mode Capability
Voltage & Frequency Stabilization
Micro-grid Management
Black Start
- Cleaner Generated Power
- Reduce Greenhouse Emissions
- Reduce Carbon Footprint
- Removal of Load Banks
- Silent Operation
- Capture Regenerative Energy
- Global Adjustment Reduction
- Time Shifting Cost Saving
- Reduction in Fuel Consumption
- Maintenance Cost Reduction
Reducing the amount of fuel truck deliveries that are required to go on site

Peak demand or peak load are terms used in describing a period in which electrical power is expected to be provided for a sustained period at a significantly higher than average supply level. Peak demand fluctuations may occur on daily, monthly, seasonal and yearly cycles.
The ECO-H Power Management System addresses peak demand by providing additional electrical power during times when a facility’s electrical consumption is excessively higher than its average consumption.
This power provision is replenished during below average facility consumption or at times of low rate hydro costs.
Peak Shaving
Energy Time Shifting
Global Adjustment Reduction
Peak Demand Management

Many facilities oversize their generators for peak load condition. However, these generators on average, operate at much lower loads. The effect of these lower loads cause “wetstacking”, which is sometimes referred to as “slobber” due to leakage from the exhaust manifold joints. A condition which is easily remedied by operating gensets at higher load efficiencies.
ECO-H allows facility managers to size gensets for base load operations and have the peaks addressed with the instantaneous response of the on-board stored energy. This method drastically reduces capital costs of the genset packages.
Facility power management solution is optimized by conducting a three step analysis; total facility loads, load step evaluation and finally the optimal genset selection. This results savings in shipping costs, installation costs, operational & maintenance costs.
20% Genset Fuel Settings
30% Emissions Reduction
Generator Load Leveling
Reduces Generator Maintenance

The ECO-H system integrates energy storage with patented power transient management software that is capable of instantaneously discharging or absorbing excess power.
This process allows generators to run more efficiently and maximizes renewable energy penetration.
For grid connected systems the power management software is an effective tool for Peak Demand Management.
Black Start
Voltage & Frequency Stabilization
Backup Power (UPS)
Silent Operation

Renewable energy production has the potential to provide high volumes of energy by sustainable means to vast populations in both developed and developing countries. Renewable energy remains unable to be fully utilized to its full potential due to several factors such as limited access to energy storage, infra-structure restrictions, expansion limitations and financial impact.
Typically generated energy is ‘wasted’ either by dissipating the excess energy or by reducing the efficiency of the respective renewable component. ECO-H is designed to store this potential ‘excess’ renewable energy generated which would otherwise be wasted and allows for it to be used at a future period.
Capture Regenerative Energy
MicroGrid Management
Smooths Out Renewable Power
Energy Time Shifting
Green Initiatives