PROJECT: ECO-H 1.1MW Power – 500kWH Energy – Portable Hybrid Poweer Managment System
Location: DJ Basin, Colorado, USA

Date: August 2014
Client: Ensign Energy Services Inc.
Project Type: Drill Rig Power Management
Portable Energy Storage container which houses 348 SAFT Li-Ion batteries in racks, fire suppression, DC disconnect, auxiliary power distribution, controls and cooling equipment.
ECO-H is a Hybrid Power Management System that consists of 1.1 Mega-Watts of lithium-ion batteries. The ECO-H system load levels the generator(s) by analyzing the rigs site load. ECO-H processes the information through proprietary algorithms and either discharges to the AC bus bar or absorbs the excess genset power. This process happens instantaneous 24/7 and allows the gensets to run more efficiently. The sharp peaks and valley power spikes become smoother rolling hills.
As a result, Natural Gas gensets can now operate at higher load efficiency and reduced operating costs, without having to react to high and low transient loads. This is also achieved by removing the use of a load bank. The combination of ECO-H and Natural Gas gensets produce a high level of energy stability by providing energy security during peak demand periods. At the same time, harmful environmental emissions are minimized, increasing fuel efficiency and reducing nonproductive time.